Are your customers asking you to provide 3rd-party verification of your sustainability data? Are you being required to meet certain standards or supplier requirements? Are you attempting to report your corporate responsibility performance? Do you need to demonstrate compliance of your management system through 3rd party verification? Do you need to go a step further and receive a data assurance certification?
If you answered, “yes” to any of these questions, you’ve come to the right place.
How 3R Can Help
As an ever increasing amount of an organization’s customers and/or stakeholders are demanding sustainable business operations and transparency, 3R understands that meeting those demands can be a challenge. Many organizations simply do not possess the capacity, resources, or time to determine material impacts, collect and understand data, set goals, and report on all of this.
The consultants at 3R Sustainability are experts in assisting organizations in determining their individualized path to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and reporting. This path may begin with simply determining the most appropriate metrics, or key performance indicators, to track as they relate to an organization’s industry and operations.
From there, 3R is positioned to help implement tracking and data collection methods, in addition to neatly organizing all materials into the most suitable format for public reporting. 3R works with you along the way to verify that each step of the process aligns with any desired (or most appropriate) reporting framework; to name a few:
- Global Reporting Initiative
- Carbon Disclosure Project
- Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures
- ISO 26000
- Responsible Business Alliance
- Ecovadis
While 3R holds all of the necessary tools to ensure you are on the right path to proper and effective reporting, certain cases may require your CSR report (or other reporting method) to receive 3rd-party assurance.
3R is pleased to recommend it’s trusted quality assurance partner, SRI Quality System Registrar, for verification services.
Approved by AccountAbility as an official AA1000 Assurance Provider, SRI can offer assessments and certification to organizations that have built sustainability into their management systems and reports. To achieve the AA1000 certification for your organization’s management system, SRI assess and validates the corporate responsibility data reported. SRI also can provide assurance to international quality, health and safety, environmental, and information security standards.
Receiving 3rd party assurance on CSR reporting can increase stakeholder confidence and improve an organization’s market rating. Partnered together, 3R and SRI can cover all of your CSR needs.
Call today to see how we can help your organization achieve its goals.